Current Events
Food distribution
We have several global bases. The most recent development has taken place in Vijiawada in India. Our colleagues have initiated a food bank in one of the poorest regions of the city.
With the strict lockdown measures taken by the Indian government, all work has ceased. The locals have been devastated by this turn of events. Satyanandam and John have been granted government approval to distribute much needed food. We are able to fund their purchases.

Peace Events
All peace events are on hold for 2020. Start booking for 2021.
Every reasonable person on the planet desires peace in their life. It’s one similarity that we all share no matter where we are or where we are coming from. Peace is elusive. Jesus promises peace beyond understanding. It’s not easy. If it was, everyone would have it. The true issue is actually finding genuine peace with God. A peace event is ideally held over two nights. Each event is unique to the setting, context, and culture. Good music is usually a feature which helps people venture into deep and meaningful talks that address the human need for peace with God. Over one or two nights, people listen to a message that describes why we don’t have peace in our lives and there is an opportunity to respond and ask God for his gift of peace. If possible, a meal is shared together. We travel around the world with this approach and see extraordinary fruit.

Contact us to book a speaking engagement or to organise an event
Local Events
Local events, speaking and preaching in South East Queensland can be organised within three months. Typically, individual churches or organisations can contact Passionfruit ministries and discuss requirements. Other Australian regions will require about six months to schedule an event. Short notice preaching is always available depending upon the speaker’s availability.
International Events
Our International events usually require twelve months to organise. Usually we require several churches working together. Typically, we work over a two to three-week period and hope to hold at least three events over a total of six nights. This can also be coupled with a leadership conference over two or three days. We are available on a fly in preaching assignment with short notice depending upon travel documentation requirements.